пятница, 22 ноября 2013 г.


It really bugs me when people question my budgeting decisions. So I'm poor, what's the crime in that? I want to leave at a reasonable time so that I can make the subway. "Why the subway? A cab is only ten bucks. I'll just pay for your cab". And he looks at me like I'm cheap. And he makes me feel like I have to make excuses for my decisions, which is really none of anyone's business. Meanwhile, when another friend dashes to the subway, and he's filthy drunk, and the subway is swarming with cops, and he's ten times richer than me, no one raises an eyebrow. No one offers to pay his cabfare. Which, btw, would make much more sense.

Well, I've already donated ten bucks to the wife of the friend, which was the purpose of the whole evening. And I doubt any of those benefactors even considered helping a widow with three orphans. And I'm still waiting for an Aliexpress transaction to be completed so that I start collecting from friends the money I paid for a gift to another friend.

But I'll be damned if I give him any of the reasons why I take the subway. If he can't accept that I'm poor, he can just take me on as a leech.

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