вторник, 31 января 2012 г.


Caught from the baby.
Harder than usual to concentrate.

вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

Getting better

Some days it doesn't hurt too bad.
I used to all the time, relentlessly, never letting up.
There seemed to be no part of me that didn't hurt 24/7.
But lately there have been days when I look into myself and say, hey, this isn't so bad as it used to be.
Hey, here's a spot that's pain-free, like the tip of my coccyx.
It's actually getting bearable.
It doesn't wring my guts every time I think of him.
Sometimes I just see an image of him in the back of my head, and the pain is not as excruciating.
Maybe I'm healing.
Maybe I'm going numb.
Either way, I hope it'll stop one day forever.